性别:男 | 出生年月:1986.10 | 导师类别:硕导 | |
职称:副教授 | 政治面貌:中共党员 | 邮箱:liuzengk@upc.edu.cn | |
职务:无 | 办公地点:工科E315 | 电话/传真: | |
研究方向:海洋油气装备技术 | 地址/邮编: 山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)kaiyun体育登录网页入口,266580 |
1. 教育经历
2. 工作经历
3. 研究领域/招生方向
(1) 海洋油气装备技术
(2) 可靠性及智能化故障诊断理论与技术
(3) 海洋溢油风险评估
4. 主讲课程
5. 主持及参与项目
(1) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020QE117),2021.01-2023.12,主持
(2) 中央高校基本科研业务费(20CX06005A),2019.09-2022.08,主持
(3) kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)人才引进项目,2019.09-2022.08,主持
(4) 德国“洪堡学者”计划项目,2017.09-2019.08,主持
(5) 德国学术交流中心博士后奖学金项目,2016.09-2017.08,主持
(6) 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFE0105100),2020.7-2023.6,参与
(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51779267),2018.01-2021.12,参与
6. 论著专利
[1] Zengkai Liu*, Ulrich Callies. A probabilistic model of decision making regarding the use of chemical dispersants to combat oil spills in the German Bight. Water Research, 2020, 169, 115196.(SCI, IF: 11.236, 中科院一区TOP)
[2] Zengkai Liu*, Ulrich Callies. Implications of using chemical dispersants to combat oil spills in the German Bight - Depiction by means of a Bayesian network. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 248:609-620. (SCI, IF: 8.071, 中科院一区TOP)
[3] Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu*, Dawei Zhang, Baoping Cai, Chao Zheng. Fault diagnosis for a solar assisted heat pump system under incomplete data and expert knowledge. Energy, 2015, 87:41-48. (SCI, IF: 7.147, 中科院一区TOP)
[4] Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu*, Baoping Cai, Chao Zheng. An approach for developing diagnostic Bayesian network based on operation procedures. Expert Systems with Applications, 2015, 42: 1917-1926. (SCI, IF: 6.954, 中科院一区TOP)
[5] Zengkai Liu*, Qiang Ma, Baoping Cai, Xuewei Shi, Chao Zheng, Yonghong Liu. Risk coupling analysis of subsea blowout accidents based on dynamic Bayesian network and NK model. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2022, 218: 108160. (SCI, IF: 6.188,中科院一区TOP)
[6] Zengkai Liu*, Qiang Ma, Baoping Cai, Yonghong Liu, Chao Zheng. Risk assessment on deepwater drilling well control based on dynamic Bayesian network. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 149: 643-654. (SCI, IF: 6.158, 中科院二区)
[7] Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu*, Baoping Cai, Xiaolei Li, Xiaojie Tian. Application of Petri nets to performance evaluation of subsea blowout preventer system. ISA transactions, 2015, 54: 240-249. (SCI, IF: 5.468, 中科院二区TOP)
[8] Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu*, Xinlei Wu, Dongwei Yang, Baoping Cai, Chao Zheng. Reliability evaluation of auxiliary feedwater system by mapping GO-FLOW models into Bayesian networks. ISA transactions, 2016, 64: 174-183. (SCI, IF: 5.468, 中科院二区TOP)
[9]Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu, Baoping Cai, Dawei Zhang, Chao Zheng. Dynamic Bayesian network modeling of reliability of subsea blowout preventer stack in presence of common cause failures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2015, 38: 58-66. (SCI, IF: 3.660,中国科协高质量科技期刊一区)
[10]Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu, Xinlei Wu, Baoping Cai. Risk analysis of subsea blowout preventer by mapping GO models into Bayesian networks. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2018, 52, 54-65. (SCI, IF: 3.660,中国科协高质量科技期刊一区)
[11]Zengkai Liu, Yonghong Liu. A Bayesian network based method for reliability analysis of subsea blowout preventer control system. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2019, 59, 44-53. (SCI, IF: 3.660,中国科协高质量科技期刊一区)
7. 获奖荣誉
(1) 青岛西海岸新区紧缺人才,2021年
(2) kaiyun体育登录网页入口(华东)优秀本科毕业论文指导教师,2021年
(3) 山东省科技进步一等奖,2021年
(4) 青岛市自然科学二等奖,2020年
8. 学术兼职
中国机械工程学会高级会员,中国海洋工程学会会员,SCI期刊Water客座编辑,Ocean Engineering, Safety Science, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering等多个SCI期刊的审稿人。